Corporate social responsibility(CSR) is a special business, self-legislating blueprint, that enables an organisation to contribute to society's licit, monetary, moral, humanitarian, and environmental growth through supportive volunteering, charitable giving, spur promotions or any order ethically acquainted exercise while indirectly projecting the interest of the organisation.
It is an ideal way stakeholders of organisations warm the cockles of consumers hearts. Building a strong editorial calendar or remarkable distribution plan alone cannot realize the goals of your organisation.
People love to buy from brands they know, trust and continually contribute usefulness. Moreso, consumers want to believe that beyond the content syndication and leads campaigns mechanically driven by company marketers, their wellbeing and that of their loved ones and nation is taken into consideration.
How then can your organisation maximise profit, command positive reviews in organic distribution by social media, realize a positive content metric and still satisfy customers?
CSR is more or less profit-making in disguise with charity as it foreskin. It has to do with sacrificing capital and profit to gain recognition, build optimistic public relations, and most importantly strengthen the value of your brand.
According to empirical research, the U.S. contributes the second-largest amount of carbon to the atmosphere at a considerable amount of over 4.78GT in 2019. With 6.48tonnes per capita emissions streaming from China alone.
Investing in a program that sequestrate carbon whether by geologic or biologic means, thoroughly ameliorating the amount of carbon in the environment gives consumers the impression that they are highly esteemed. Besides the fact that it will curtail the risk of suffocation in the society and fear of death, leads and consumers will be able to correlate your brand with its noble deed which defines "recall and remembrance” as the factors that qualify the brand awareness.
According to Forbes records, Coca-Cola is fiercely dedicated to reducing 25% of carbon by 2025. BMW automobile company is not far from its voyage of creating fuel-saving and alternative to combustion vehicles through a marginally improved process. Tesla Inc. owned by an American business mogul Elon Musk is seeking inductive measures in totally eradicating the expulsions from automobile exhaust pipes through the revolutionizing of electronic vehicles.
Therefore leveraging this opportunity as a brand or organisation can strengthen the worth of your brand with a high percentage of ROI returns.
We live in a society where religion has failed to engage its premise of giving. Base on the established record of the World Bank Statistics 9.2% of the global population at a differential proportion of about 689million live below $1.90 per day with the U.S. documented population of 34million, 490 million whooping rates in Africa which slice 36% of the global population in 2019, live in extreme poverty. 34million of the Indian population constituting 6% of the global population with Southern Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, and Madagascar sharing a dispensed percentage rate of 82.30%, 76.80%, 70.70% at an approximate ratio of 2:1:1 live in penury.
Taking advantage of the situation by contributing to improving the lives of people within these depression poles, strengthen brand equity.
Furthermore, emotions are the driving mechanism of consumer choice of brand. Before buying or purchasing anything online, they love to listen to peoples opinions, read reviews, weigh comments, explore the number of shares, and engagements on any organic distribution media e.g Facebook, Twitter etc before making any buying decision.
Through charitable giving towards funding education, alleviating poverty, fighting the impending crisis, supporting orphanages, those with disabilities etc., highlights your brand on the frontline of public merit unnegotiable, prompting consumers to talk good about your brand by rendering positive recommendations to people both manually through civil conversations and electronically through comments, reviews, shares, likes which contribute immensely to brand worth.
The political system is a game of interest. "I and my family" is the motto of a typical politician censored by greed. "The politics of anything goes" will continue to wile the diaspora of public inclusions as well as the spatial semantics of labour recruitment policies.
Through collective bargaining, your brand can contribute to the labour market inclusiveness by mapping and implementing favourable labour policies.
With the rising population of unemployment rate in cities and nations, people are gradually losing faith in the government capacity to meet their labour needs. While there is a disparity in treatment of those retrenched, sacked or lay-off from a job and those seeking one for the first time, your brand can distort that rift by applying to diplomatic negotiations on the people's behalf. These actions do not only define the clergy of your organisation, but it also reinforces your brand equity, streamline your sales funnel, boosts your SEO ranking and the resilience of your inbound marketing strategy, revamps sales enablement through social media or any other form of organic distribution.
The increment of mortality rate in nations especially the underdeveloped or third world nations is alarming. While it causes is dispensed on the spatial or temporal tilts of casualties through automobiles, witchcraft, structural failure, wars, climate or weather phenomena e.g Hurricane, typhoons, earthquakes etc and disease(54% of annual global death) which can be maternal or perinatal under a communicable space leads to 55.4million deaths worldwide(W.H.O). Covid-19 was confirmed by W.H.O to be America third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in 2020 estimating 598, 932-690,882 deaths at a stroll.
Through social media, TV series, etc. your brand can raise or act as volunteers. Volunteers in inspiring people during dark times, or gloomy moments. Those who will take it upon themselves to research and develop cures or possible prevention schemes to protect people from disaster.
"Jack don’’t do this, Jack don’t do that" is the consequence of having a proactive mother. Consumers need to feel a reliable sense of direction from it a favourite brand. Consumers need to be guided on the choice they make in life. Consumers who are directed are not consumers who do not make mistakes but those who can identify their mistakes and are susceptible to improvements. the "susceptibility" capacity is where your brand comes into play. Your initiative ideas don't necessarily need to feel nice or welcome the consensus of liberalism at first instance. As long as people get to see gradually how proactive the initiative scheme writhe from your brand can affect them positively, it will grow your organisation traffic and strengthen the equity of your brand through the fluttering confidence it fosters in consumers and brand loyalty promotes.
Therefore, forums, schools, e-learning platforms set in place to remind people of social and environmental possibilities is beneficial to your brand.
There are more than a thousand other ways CSR can strengthen your brand equity ranging from racism, sexism, drug abuse to child labour abolishment campaigns which are a few out of many your brand could invest in.
While Walt Disney is often rated high in CSR initiative is because whatever inscribe the Disney caption is something that leaves us with a responsibility.
They are benefits attached to it beyond just strengthening the worth of your brand. It also creates your brand awareness, inflates your brand image, hypes your brand affection, invigorates your brand infinitude, reveals your brand tendencies, and kindle your brand familiarity.
These collectively establish a decisive public relation for your brand, construct a befitting CRM framework, and also mitigate social bounce rate via an encouraging buyer journey.